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Research videos
Hear from those working in healthcare as they share more about their research and the impact it can have on patient care. Find out how they got into research and get their top tips if you’d like to do the same in these clinical research videos.
Clinical research videos
NIHR Incubators and the role of Wessex REACH
Professor Anne-Maree Keenan, Associate Dean of the NIHR Academy, talking at our Launch Event about the NIHR Academy's Incubator Programme and where Wessex REACH fits in.
Introduction to Wessex REACH
One of our co-Chairs, Dr Beth Stuart, talks about the aims and plans for the Wessex REACH Initiative over the next 3 years and how you can help and get involved.
Emily Lyness – GP and Academic Clinical Fellow
Emily tells us a little bit about her journey into clinical research and why she felt it was the right path for her.
Hilda Hounkpatin – mixed methods researcher
(senior research fellow)
Hilda talks about what her research work involves, including some of the challenges and opportunities that come with it.
Steve Frampton – consultant surgeon
Steve shares what inspired his PhD research, how skills learnt have improved clinical practice and offers advice for those new to research.
Mark Edmond - surgical registrar and early career researcher
As part of our Launch Event, we hear from one of our early career researchers, Dr Mark Edmond, about his journey into research and what he has learned so far.
Clare Ryan - Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist and Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow
As part of our Launch Event, Clare Ryan shares her pathway into research and talks about some of the highlights and the challenges.
Justin Strain - Pain Management Physiotherapist
and ARC Wessex Intern
Justin shares his pathway into research and his experience of his internship so far
Andy Claxton, Research project lead at South-Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) - Case study
Andy Claxton tells us a bit about his journey from trainee paramedic practitioner to research project lead.
Bethan Jenkins is the Lead Clinical Adult Dietician at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) - Case study
Bethan is an NIHR Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellow. In this video Bethan speaks about her life as a researcher.
What is a clinical academic career #1
What is a clinical academic, and what are the benefits of becoming one? An outline, personal accounts and the history of the role.
Forming your team #2
A guide to forming your team for a clinical academic application with advice from Lara, who has been through the process.
Finding a Mentor #3
A guide to finding a mentor to help you with your clinical academic work, and why it's different from a supervisor.
What Makes a Good Application #4
Where do you start and what do you need to include in a research application to become a clinical academic. We've condensed as much advise as we can muster into this short video.
Developing your training plans #5
How do you design a training plan to become a clinical academic? This film offers step by step advice.
Public and patient involvement #6
How important is it to involve the public and patients in your clinical academic research application? We have expert advice in this short film.
The Interview #7
How do you prepare for interview from a research panel? Professors Maria Stokes and Alison Richardson give their advice on getting the best from the interview.
Intellectual Property and Enterprise #8
Professor Cheryl Metcalf explains how to think about enterprise and intellectual property with your research proposal. Dr Kellyn Lee talks about her experience of using her PhD to create a business with impact.
Personal Stories #9
Clinical Academics talk about their own experiences: what drove them into research, what it means to patients and what it means for them.
Sources of information #10
Where do you go to find out more to help with your application to become a clinical academic? Here's a brief guide.