Case studies
Hear from experienced researchers on getting started, overcoming setbacks and their career highlights. Please get in touch if you’ve got a research story you’d like to share.
Wessex REACH initiative - Case Studies

Paul Houghoughi - Consultant Physiotherapist and Musculoskeletal (MSK) Sonographer
Paul currently works as a consultant physiotherapist and MSK sonographer at BWT Physio in Poole, and was the physiotherapist for Team GB climbers at the 2020 Olympic Games. Paul’s work primarily focuses on researching, diagnosing and treating sports injuries, as he explains.

Andy Fox - Consultant Pharmacist Medicines Safety
Andy currently works as a consultant pharmacist Medicines Safety at University Hospital Southampton. He has combined his interests of paediatrics and medicines safety by developing tools to review the safety of electronic prescribing systems in paediatric settings in the UK.

James Gavin - Lecturer in MSK Occupational Therapy
James currently works as a Lecturer in MSK in the Occupational Therapy team at the University of Southampton. His PhD gave him opportunity to teach and do occasional work with the RYA Junior and Youth Olympic sailing squads at Weymouth. These introduced him combining education, research and enterprise work in a job role.

Prof Nuala McGrath - Professor of epidemiology and sexual health
Nuala currently works as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education and the Department of social statistics and demography, Faculty of Social Sciences.
In addition, she is currently an NIHR global health research professor. It is a personal award for five years for a programme of work focused on couples’ health in sub-Saharan Africa.

Ian Reddin - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (bioinformatician)
Ian currently works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (bioinformatician) at the School of Cancer Sciences, University of Southampton. He works closely other healthcare professionals (on cervical cancer, oesophageal cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, and recurrent miscarriage) at the Southampton General Hospital.

Corine Driessens- Senior Research Fellow in Statistics, ARC Wessex
Corine currently works as a Senior Research Fellow in Statistics, ARC Wessex. She is leading on an ESRC funded project looking at Young People’s access to mental health services. Her core responsibilities are to provide statistical support for ARC Wessex related projects.

Eunice Aroyewun- Senior Research Assistant, UoS
Eunice currently works as a Senior Research Assistant at the University of Southampton. She is working on the Wessex REACH project and an evaluation of domestic abuse support services in Southampton City.
In addition, she is working with World wide Universities (WUN) partners in Africa to implement a mental health research involving orphans and vulnerable children.