Mentoring in healthcare research
Watch all our professional development videos from the Wessex REACH initiative informal mentoring programme and NIHR Academy mentoring programme.
Mentoring Programme
Wessex REACH informal mentoring programme
‘Informal mentoring’ refers to a system where a senior colleague could offer support, signpost to relevant resources, reflect on their experience and sharing that as well as asking the mentee helpful questions to help them reflect on their career progress.
The programme will involve providing contact details of signposting champions/informal mentors across Wessex region through the local R&D offices, with a blurb introducing themselves, what they do and what support they are willing to offer (either one off or on-going mentor-mentee relationship). Using this information, mentees would contact suitable mentors to ask for support.
Please see below a short video providing definitions/description of the informal mentoring programme. Resources from the formal NIHR Academy mentoring programme are also available for reference. We hope that the programme will involve mentors (from HEI, NHS Trusts and Local councils) across various health and social care disciplines.
Are you research active and happy for your name and contact details to be provided to potential mentees through the local R&D office? Please sign-up here.
Dr. Emma King introduces the informal mentoring programme
More information available on the NIHR website
NIHR Academy Mentoring Programme
Beginning the mentoring relationship
Developing an effective mentoring relationship
Mentoring core competencies
Phases of the mentoring relationship
The roles of the mentor and mentee
Purpose, direction and goals