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Ciarán Lowe

Stroke Early Supported Discharge Team Physiotherapist


Omer Nasim

Trauma & Orthopaedics - ST3 (Registrar) - Wessex
Retrospective Data analysis on SPSS & Excel - Largest Dataset 20k
35+ publications in peer reviewed articles

Medical background

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Sujoy Ray

I am a psychiatry trainee interested in OCD, Dementia, Schizophrenia, psychopharmacology and neuromodulation


Blue Pike

Psychosis and SMI, community treatment for Schizophrenia, CBTp, brief interventions


Lauren Harris

Paediatric Cerebral Palsy Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist


Peter Worsley

Dr Peter Worsley is Professor of Assistive Technology and Tissue Health within Health Sciences at the University of Southampton. He has a balanced academic portfolio, co-leading the Skin Sensing research group based in a Clinical Academic Facility in Southampton.


Carole Fogg

Epidemiology of frailty and dementia, older people's health and social care pathways and outcomes, inequalities in health, access to care and care outcomes.
Background in quantitative research methodology (epidemiology, clinical trials, diagnostic studies, medical devices).


Joe Salmon

Joe Salmon is the mental health delivery lead research nurse for Research and Innovation at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. He runs a portfolio of mental health research studies with his trusted team. They ranged from commercial CTIMPs to more simple observational studies.

Joe has a particular interest in workforce health and systems, specifically the impact of presenteeism within the NHS.

Joe also leads on the Virtual Reality Lab within Southern Health.


Katerina Porter

Experienced public health researcher with expertise in all aspects delivering health research, with a focus on researching sensitive areas and conducting research with vulnerable groups. Previous research includes work to improve HIV/AIDS care, communication in palliative and end-of-life care, innovation in cancer care, and novel interventions for perpetrators of domestic abuse.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0673-9178

Social sciences

Ines Ribeiro

1. Health economics & modelling
2. Quality of life
3. Ophthalmic drugs

Health economist

Leisle Ezekiel

My practice background is community neurorehabilitation. My research interests are focused around social participation, fatigue, digital technology and supported self management for people living with acquired brain injury/long term health conditions. I am also interested in the therapeutic use of everyday digital technology within occupational therapy practice.

Occupational therapy

Leisle Ezekiel

My practice background was in community neurorehabiltation. My research has focused on social participation, fatigue and acquired brain injury, as well as using everyday digital technology for self monitoring and supported self management for people with long term health conditions. I am also interested in the therapeutic use of everyday digital technology in to professional practice.

Occupational therapy

Charlotte Brooks

Research interests are in health literacy, cancer care , mental health (particularly for young people) and research with a focus on improving the the ability of individuals to participate in meaningful activities.

Occupational therapy

Samia Turkistani

I am presently employed as a Research Associate within the Department of Health Care Profession at the University of Portsmouth. My Master's thesis, completed in 2022, centred on exploring the impact of COVID-19 professional practices of dental nurses. At the moment, I am engaged in a project that assesses the efficacy of an internship model allowing clinical staff to assume the position of Clinical Academic Educator at universities in the Southeast of England. My primary research focus revolves around workforce development, with a specific emphasis on non-medical clinical personnel, such as nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals.


jeehan lynch

Shoulder management in primary care
Shoulder Orthopaedic management
Outcome measures and how to use these to inform clinical pathways
shared decision aids for UL conditions


Dr Colin Barnes

Research and Improvement Academy

Speech and language therapy

Dr Deborah Joy

Psychological approaches to chronic / persistent pain


Dr Rhiannon Dunlop

I currently work as a Senior Clinical Psychologist in Portsmouth CAMHS Specialist Eating Disorder Service. My recent paper "Self-Disclosure by Adolescents in Therapy for Eating Difficulties: A Q-Methodology Study" is currently going through peer review with the hope to be published in the Journal of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
My main research interests are around child and adolescent mental health with a particular interest in eating disorders.


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